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tex-printlen Print lengths using specified units
tex-printlen-doc Documentation for tex-printlen
tex-prosper LaTeX class for high quality slides
tex-prosper-doc Documentation for tex-prosper
tex-psfrag Replace strings in encapsulated PostScript figures
tex-psfrag-doc Documentation for tex-psfrag
tex-pslatex Use PostScript fonts by default
tex-pspicture PostScript picture support
tex-pspicture-doc Documentation for tex-pspicture
tex-ptex TeX system for publishing in Japanese
tex-ptex-doc Documentation for tex-ptex
tex-rcsinfo Support for the revision control system
tex-rcsinfo-doc Documentation for tex-rcsinfo
tex-readarray Read, store and recall array-formatted data
tex-realscripts Access OpenType subscript and superscript glyphs
tex-realscripts-doc Documentation for tex-realscripts
tex-relsize Set the font size relative to the current font size
tex-resume Resume document style
tex-romanneg LaTeX package to make negative page numbers
tex-romanneg-doc Documentation for tex-romanneg
tex-rotating Rotation tools including rotated full-page floats
tex-rotating-doc Documentation for tex-rotating
tex-ruhyphen Russian hyphenation
tex-sansmath Maths in a sans font
tex-sansmath-doc Documentation for tex-sansmath
tex-sauerj Bundle of utilities by Jonathan Sauer
tex-sauerj-doc Documentation for tex-sauerj
tex-secdot Section numbers with trailing dots
tex-secdot-doc Documentation for tex-secdot
tex-section Modifying section commands in LaTeX
tex-section-doc Documentation for tex-section
tex-sectsty Control sectional headers
tex-sectsty-doc Documentation for tex-sectsty
tex-selectp Select pages to be output
tex-seminar Make overhead slides
tex-seminar-doc Documentation for tex-seminar
tex-sepnum Print numbers in a friendly format
tex-sepnum-doc Documentation for tex-sepnum
tex-setspace Set space between lines
tex-shadethm Theorem environments that are shaded
tex-shadow Shadow boxes
tex-shadow-doc Documentation for tex-shadow
tex-showtags Print the tags of bibliography entries
tex-showtags-doc Documentation for tex-showtags
tex-SIstyle Package to typeset SI units, numbers and angles
tex-SIstyle-doc Documentation for tex-SIstyle
tex-SIunits International System of Units
tex-SIunits-doc Documentation for tex-SIunits
tex-skak LaTeX fonts and macros for typesetting chess games
tex-skak-doc Documentation for tex-skak
tex-skaknew LaTeX skak chess fonts redone in Adobe Type 1
tex-skaknew-doc Documentation for tex-skaknew
tex-soul Hyphenation for letterspacing, underlining, and more
tex-soul-doc Documentation for tex-soul
tex-sphack Patch LaTeX kernel spacing macros
tex-sphack-doc Documentation for tex-sphack
tex-splitbib Split and reorder your bibliography
tex-srcltx Jump between DVI and TeX files
tex-srcltx-doc Documentation for tex-srcltx
tex-statex Statistics style
tex-statex-doc Documentation for tex-statex
tex-sttools Various LaTeX tools and macros
tex-sttools-doc Documentation for tex-sttools
tex-subfig Figures broken into subfigures
tex-subfig-doc Documentation for tex-subfig
tex-subfigmat Automates layout when using the subfigure package
tex-subfigmat-doc Documentation for tex-subfigmat
tex-subfigure Figures divided into subfigures (obsoleted by tex-subfig)
tex-subfigure-doc Documentation for tex-subfigure
tex-substr Deal with substrings in strings
tex-substr-doc Documentation for tex-substr
tex-supertabular Multi-page tables package
tex-supertabular-doc Documentation for tex-supertabular
tex-svninfo Typeset Subversion keywords
tex-svninfo-doc Documentation for tex-svninfo
tex-t2 Support for using T2 encoding
tex-t2-doc Documentation for tex-t2
tex-tabls Better vertical spacing in tables and arrays
tex-tabls-doc Documentation for tex-tabls
tex-tabu Flexible LaTeX tabulars
tex-tetex Supplementary files for updmap
tex-tetex-doc Documentation for tex-tetex
tex-tex Plain TeX format
tex-texconfig Configuration utility for TeX
tex-texconfig-doc Documentation for tex-texconfig
tex-texdoc Documentation access for TeX distributions
tex-texdoc-doc Documentation for tex-texdoc
tex-texlive-common-doc TeX Live manual (common elements)
tex-texlive-docindex Top-level TeX Live doc.html, etc
tex-texlive-docindex-doc Documentation for tex-texlive-docindex
tex-texlive-en-doc TeX Live manual (English)
tex-texlive-scripts TeX Live infrastructure programs
tex-texlive.infra Basic TeX Live infrastructure
tex-texmate Comprehensive chess annotation in LaTeX
tex-texmate-doc Documentation for tex-texmate
tex-texpower Create dynamic online presentations with LaTeX
tex-texpower-doc Documentation for tex-texpower
tex-textcase Case conversion ignoring mathematics, etc
tex-textcase-doc Documentation for tex-textcase
tex-thailatex Typeset Thai texts with standard LaTeX classes